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About us

We have a small Maine coon cattery in Norway. To us it is extremely important to give each and every cat attention and proper care. 

I started by spending a lot of time reading about the Maine Coon breed in 2018.
Exploring the color I wanted, and making sure the cat I was buying was healthy.

In February 2019 i bought my first Maine coon girl. 

My goal is to breed healthy and typical Maine Coon cats. Health is very important to me, and I also do my best to secure my cats enviroment. My cats always have acces to fresh water from clean bowls and dryfood.

In our house we are two adults, we have to boys who adores cats. We have 3 females and 1 male at the moment. (I also have 2 housecats) 
The cats are part of the family, and spend most of their time inside the house.
They have a cat house outside they can go to for som fresh air. 

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